My mother's secret... she's been working on this all week... I suspect day and night. She's always in a hurry to get home so that she can make a few more log cabin blocks... I think she missed the 'senior dance' today just so she could work on the quilt. She doesn't want anyone to see it until it's finished (luckily, she doesn't know how to use the computer or the internet). :) By the way, she needs a volunteer for the quilting ... she has no intentions of doing anything other than the quilt top. /// O segredo da minha mae.. Tem andado a trabalhar neste quilt toda a semana. Suspeito que dia e noite. Anda sempre com pressa de ir para casa para fazer mais uns blocos de log cabin. Penso que perdeu o 'baile' de domingo para poder trabalhar no quilt. Ela nao quer que ninguem veja o quilt ate estar acabado. Felizemente nao sabe usar o computador nem a interenet. :) Precisa de uma veluntaria para fazer o quilting, so quer fazer o quilt top.

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