O quilt para a Avó Manuela...

Depois a Avó Manuela ter um AVC em Novembro a Sofia (10) e a Ines (9) decidiram fazer um quilt para lhe oferecer quando ela saísse do hospital, mas não conseguiram acabar a tempo.  Decidiram então que ofereciam pelo Natal...

After Avó Manuela had a stroke in November, Sofia and Ines decided to make a quilt for give her when she left the hospital.  Time was short and they did not finish on time - it's a large quilt - so they decided to give it to her for Christmas. 

O Daniel (18), a Sofia e a Ines é que cortaram, coseram, acolchoaram, tudo... Para não haver guerras o Daniel cortou inicialmente, a Ines coseu os azuis e a Sofia os Amarelos... Depois, cortaram (sim, com o cortador circular) as barras e as fitas de vies... Colocaram as duas e a Sofia (que tem mais paciência) fez a parte do acolchoado...

Dan, Sofia and Ines cut, sewed, quilted, everything on their own.  So that the girls would not fight, Dan initially cut the strips (rotary cut), Sofia swed the yellow fabrics and Ines the blue.  Eventually the girls cut the borders and binding.  Sofia (10) quilted the whole quilt with is large enough for a twin side bed ...

Como tinha de ser, desenharam uma etiqueta e esta tive que a coser pois elas não sabem coser á mão.

As is the rule, they designed, painted and (I) applied it because they don't know how to hand sew...

A avó Manuela que não é de festas, ficou tão contente com a prenda que a levou para a loja para mostrar a todas....

Vóvó was so moved that she took the quilt to the shop - where it still is - to show the ladies that if the girls did it, they can too.

3 comentários:

  1. Oh, that is so lovely that they wanted to do that for your MOm, I hope she is OK now.... I can't believe how quick your kiddos are growing!

  2. Que netos tão queridos e que bela maneira de demonstrarem o carinho e amor que têm pela avó, parabéns a todos!!

  3. your mother is blessed to have such great grandkids. Sofia quilted it by machine ! I know how difficult that is (at least to me). Great job ! I hope your mother is doing better now.
    Marry (Netherlands - Irenes sister)
