Depois de ver o trabalho da Jackie (POST anterior), fiquei inspirada... Esta chita, por exemplo, nao e das mais bonitas, mas depois de cortada e colocada em forma de moilhos-de-vento, ficou LINDA... Ainda estou a tentar decidir que cor usar nas barras, pois o tecido tem bordoux, azul e verde seco... O bordoux nao fica mal. Um trabalho destes da uma nova vida as Chitas de Alcobaca. :) // After seeing Jackie's work (earlier POST), I was inspired... This chita, for example, was not at all one of the nicer ones, but after cut and sewn in the form of windmills, it came out very NICE... I'm not sure what the border colors will end up, trying to decide... The blocks have burgandy, blue and green, I think I'm going to go with the Burgandy. A quilt like this gives new life to the Chitas de Alcobaca.

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